Downloads Our factsheets and infographics for you
We are happy to share our knowledge with you. Here you will find a selection of methods and modules that we use for you at the Institute and explain them to you briefly and concisely via factsheets. We make this knowledge available to you in free downloads. Join us on a journey of discovery along the EARSandEYES InnoCircle. Use our factsheets and infographics to expand your knowledge in terms of market research methods. Feel free to use them as a basis for internal knowledge transfer, for internal workshops or as a basis for discussion with colleagues.
If you have questions about the respective topics or would like to know which market research methods make sense for your product or service, please contact us. We are happy to help.

Insight Generation Factsheet
Identification of relevant consumer needs as the basis for the development of successful innovations.
Consumer insights form the most important basis for innovation projects that are successful in the market in the long term. In the blog article Insight Generation - Field research up close and personal! you will learn how qualitative market research generates a deep understanding of the motives, attitudes, needs and behaviours of a target group and uses this information to develop action plans for institutional clients.

Idea Generation factsheet
How marketers and market researchers can develop creative ideas for new products digitally.
Free space for new ideas - idea workshops that successfully lead to usable results. The EARSandEYES remote workshop for idea generation systematically sprouts new product ideas for companies. Learn more about our idea workshop in our article Digital Ideation: Idea Generation - Came to Stay.

Quantitatively validated selection of ideas for concept development.
Ideally, innovation development starts with a large number of promising product ideas. The question of which of these can be meaningfully developed into concepts and market-ready products is fundamental to a regulated innovation process. Read more about this in our article Idea generation - and then?

Concept writing factsheet
The art of concept writing.
Unleash the full potential of your ideas in our Concept Writing workshop and establish a systematic and successful approach to writing concepts as a team. In our workshop you will learn to create concepts that really shine. In our blog article Concept Writing with system: Formulate product concepts with precision you will find even more information on the topic.

Concept Evaluation factsheet
Quantitatively validated review of your concepts' chances of success.
The concept test is as much a part of market research basics as concept cars are of automobile development. Check the chances of success with concept evaluation and identify the concepts with the highest potential for success before you invest in cost-intensive product development in the next phase. Make sure which concept approaches are to be prioritised and whether the future product is also strong enough to successfully establish itself in the market. You might also be interested in our article 9 indispensable practical tips for concept tests.

Product Finalisation factsheet
Identification and optimisation of the best product variant.
The product is the basis for the entire marketing mix and thus decisive for market success. With product finalisation, you can identify the most promising product from the consumer's point of view even before the (re-)launch and optimise its decisive characteristics in a targeted manner.

Price Finalisation Factsheet
Determining the optimal price for consumer goods and services.
In our blog article The price is a diva you will get additional information. That’s because the price is an extremely sensitive element for which we should have respect and which we should treat with care - like a diva. A crude approach is not good enough to hear the important and quiet tones of prices in all their nuances.

Increasing market success through effective pack design.
In addition to the classic task of attracting consumer attention and positively influencing purchase decisions, the pack has the additional task of conveying brand values and supporting brand positioning. In our article The core of composition you will learn how to optimise packaging for the POS with our Pack Design Composer.

Quantitative early warning system to check the target groups reached and the marketing mix.
Find out shortly after the launch of your new product how many consumers already know the product and what barriers there are to (re-)use. Find out in time the reasons why your product might not rotate as originally planned.

Online Shop & Virtual Shelf Factsheet
Realistic results through realistic shopping experiences.
The tried and tested EARSandEYES Online Shop and Virtual Shelf simulate purchasing situations impressively close to reality. Measure the success of your products cost-effectively and efficiently in a market-realistic competitive environment. Explore the potential of your design alternatives, the optimal size and composition of your assortment, the optimal price as well as the optimal price-quantity combination of your portfolio. Find out more about the Online Shop and Virtual Shelf.

Infographic Green Fashion 2024
Despite fast-moving trends, fashion awareness and sustainable clothing styles are no longer mutually exclusive. But what is the actual awareness of sustainable fashion brands, online shops, textile labels and fabrics? In a representative survey, we analysed the potential for sustainable fashion companies to inspire more customers to buy fair fashion in the future. Click here for the study.

Infographic Pet Study 2024
In the green decade, sustainability is on everyone's lips. It is also increasingly relevant when it comes to feeding our beloved pets. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of transparency and credibility. As part of our Pet Study 2024, we have delved deeper into the issue with qualitative one-on-one interviews to complement the quantitative survey. You can find the study on our blog here.

Digital health services 2024 infographic
As the digitalisation of our everyday lives continues, it is hardly surprising that health and healthcare are also changing. In Germany, the electronic patient file will be introduced in 2021 and e-prescriptions in early 2024. Countless digital health services, both from the health insurance companies themselves and from third-party providers, are emerging in the market. You can read the article on the chart here.

Infographic on the 2023 Christmas survey
No, Germans are not Christmas grouches. 83% want to celebrate Christmas this year, and almost all (87%) will give someone a present. Incidentally, it's the younger people who are celebrating: 90 per cent of Germans under 40 are planning a Christmas party, compared to 78 per cent of those over 40. You can read the full Christmas Study 2023 here on the EARSandEYES blog.

Once a year, the international Office Dog Day takes place, also known as Take-your-dog-to-work Day. From 26 to 31 May 2023, as part of a market research study for the Bundesverband Bürohund e.V., we surveyed 705 citizens between the ages of 20 and 69 who work in German offices on the topic of office dogs.

The trendy drinks of recent years, such as Hugo, Aperol Spritz or Lillet Wild Berry, have become established classics and are an integral part of every bar. But the selection of new hip drink creations is also large again this year: Aperol Paloma, Vin Tonic or Tropical Spritz should not be missing from any drinks menu in trendy locations. But which drink will actually be the favourite summer drink in Germany in 2023? You can find the study here.